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Nissan Tiida 1.6l Information
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Popular Questions
Which would u choose and why...Toyota Yaris 1.3L or a Nissan Tiida 1.6L? Am between buying a Toyota Yaris 1.3L or a Nissan Tiida 1.6L...Both prices are close!

Dharma replied: "You never go wrong with Toyota!!!!!"

da_hammerhead replied: "Stay away from Nissan. Alot of mech. problems."

blondie replied: "toyata...better mattance chargers..better quality...and it is low matnice....and they are just better cars"

Shanks ing replied: "yaris , as although the engine is smaller but the wieght to power ratio is better at the same time on road efficiency of the engine is higher with the sky rocketing gas prices, and of course yaris has higher auto ratings , the tiida may be a good car but the yaris is overall a better car. my uncle who is an engineer was thinking about a car for her daughter and he choose yaris after a lot of comparison. toyota's have slightly higher resale value in the long run (if you add the maintenance cost too)and in the JD power they are rated for higher quality than nissan which less likely chance of a defect."

John Paul replied: "I know Toyota quality but both are first year cars. Look at Nissan has bluetooth hands free phone better radio unique keyless intelegent key and lots of Renault parts like the six speed gear box and other high tech continiously variable transmission. Interesting shock asorbers that delever better ride than Yaris. Drive both and buy the best you can. Called the Versa in the USA"

Soviet CCCP replied: "Renault? I would not be bragging about those french car's! lol. They are below peugot."

M B replied: "If you really like new Yaris, then Yaris, but I would consider corola because you get nearly same mpg (32-38 mpg for corola) , a stronger engine for driving with friends or luggage, a bigger back seat for kids, a vehicle with great reputation for relability (Yaris is in first year of production which can cause problems) and probably pretty close to same cost. We just bought a 2006 Corola w/ auto and air for 13,700 delivered. (+ tax)"

André ’ replied: "the yaris are low on fuel and got lots of power for a 1.3 it's easy to drive. it's a toyota and wont break and can reach a speed of 170km/h."

Hob_Dutchbag replied: "Get the Tiida and you won't be bored to death after 6 months. More room, more horsepower, better interior. Tiida's a more sophisticated vehicle. Toyota's supposed reliability has become a myth as they've led the entire WORLD in recalls this year."

Art B replied: "yaris because toyota is a more reliable car."

Christine replied: "Definitely Yaris. It has so many compartments and you can get alot of miles per gallon on that car, and is really reliable. Get either that or a Honda Fit, maybe just a little more money than the yaris but cuter lookin if you are interested in the Yaris Liftback. But I would definitely get a Toyota over Nissan anyday."

Troglodyte replied: "Get the Yaris, it's powerful( for a 1.3), economical, fast ( I've had one do over 170 Km/h and it could have gone faster!) and it handles perfectly."

Aftermarket stereo + speakers for Nissan Versa/Tiida Hatchback 1.6L? I want to upgrade my Tiida's stock audio system to something better. I currently have 4 door Speakerss with a 6 cd changer with FM/AM radio and AUX input. I am not sure if I have a built in subwoofer but my guess is that I don't. I want to get new speakers, MAYBE a new head unit (can I use my Tiida's stock head unit?), amplifier(s) and subwoofer. Can someone please suggest me the ideal set up for my car, along with the brand of speakers, HU, amps and subs that I should be looking at? My budget is $600 including wiring. The type of music I listen to is House, Dance, Techno, Rock, Hip-hop/Rap, Alternative and Lounge. I also like to hear the big boom of the bass so I was thinking of a JL Audio subwoofer but don't know which one. Please help.

yeshewa replied: "you aint getting for 600 hundred kid...the sub alone for a crappy jl w0 is already gonna eat a 1/3 of that...i worked install for 5 years and if someone wants what you want you HAVE to spend at least 1400 (and i mean minimum) unless you want cheap ,or used stuff"

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