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About Volvo 850 Maintenance in Q&A
1996 Volvo 850 Turbo- what do the different dashboard lights mean? For the first time this morning, I noticed a light on the dashboard, but I don't know what it means. I tried to find a manual online, but you have to pay for it. The light has a picture of a box with something that looks like a fan and two squiggle lines underneath the fan, but still inside the box. The light turned off pretty quick, but flashed again about 10 minutes into the drive when I was making a sharp left turn. What should I do? Is this a maintenance issue, or something more serious?

dodge man replied: "i own a repair shop,and its some kind of a warning light but my manual doesn't give the details on this stuff,its just a general repair manual,,if you had the owners manual it would tell what every one of these lights are,and what they mean,and what they do,,id see about finding a good owners manual for it,that's the best idea,,you can look on e-bay they might have one,,but id suggest a good used from a junk yard for it,,they usually cost around 25 bucks,,and there worth it,,good luck hope this help,s"

Arthur O replied: "If you don't want to go through the trouble of getting a manual, go to and ask the question. This board covers all Volvo models and you can certainly benefit from the experiences of other owners."

J.R. replied: "That is the check engine light on a Volvo. Get it to a mechanic ASAP and have them read the computer for codes. If they don't find any, have them drive the car with the computer connected until it flashes again. This should tell them what is wrong."

Good deeds get noticed replied: "Go to a shop that can scan it. It's a 1996 so you can take it to autozone or Canadian tire. I am not sure which light it is if I saw it I could tell you."

Robert K replied: "Check your coolant level. It should be 1/2 way full in the bottle. If you take a sharp turn coolant goes to one side float drops light turns on. Check all of your fluid levels."

Volvo 850 , brakes squeak when i back up, they do not feel bad is there anything i can do or clean? ? They squeak when I back up ?which brakes are squeaking and is there any maintenance I can do before bringing into shop, again they do not feel low or different, thanks

Josh replied: "Yeah. They might need a good cleaning. Just bring it to an auto shop and they'll fix it up easily."

katrina replied: "If you did not buy pads from volvo they will squeeke."

Volvo repair gods only please: I'm about ready to remove the master clutch cylinder....? Now, I need some tips from only Volvo repair and maintenance knowledgeable folks. I am about to remove the master clutch cylinder from my 1994 Volvo 850. The battery is disconnected and all the brake fluid is removed from the reservoir. What to do next and what to watch out for? What has caused the cylinder to fail (My clutch peddle went straight to the floor board while driving. And I found brake fluid leaking from the cylinder) Can this cylinder be refurbished? And if so what is involved?

1000 Man Embassy replied: "Answer: 1. Take it out 2. Nothing."

Arthur O replied: "I'm pretty sure the cylinder cannot be rebuilt and must be replaced with a new one. They're available but somewhat expensive, in the $150 range. it's not uncommon for these hydraulic cylinders to just wear out. By the way, how's the slave cylinder and connecting hose? Once you get all defective components replaced, bleeding is the next step. I'd use a hand-held vacuum pump to do this task. A good manual would be of great help to you also. Haynes puts out excellent aftermarket manuals."

Is the 1996 Volvo 850T a good car? I found a 1996 Volvo 850 Turbo for $3000. It only had 99,000 miles on it. Really nice - leather seats, sunroof, spoiler, perfect paint, etc etc. I know Volvos are pretty reliable. Growing up, my parents has an 80's Volvo and they drove it to 250k miles. But, I have heard the Turbo on these Volvos can go bad... is this true? I just need a car to last 3 years until I graduate college. What is the odds of this car making it this long. (BTW, this is assuming the car was taken care of, regular maintenance, etc. I'm going to go look at it and make sure this is the case before I buy)

Kerri replied: "With only 99,000 miles on it it should last way more than three years,if it was taken care of.and if it was taken care of the turbo should be just fine."

Francis P replied: "That's a pretty good price for a used '96 turbo with the mileage it has. First things first though, run a carfax or autocheck on it and see the history of the cars maintenance and not just the odometer and accident records. The more preventative maintenance the current owner or former owners did, the better the chances of you not breaking down as often. Also, make sure the timing belt was replaced. It should have been done at 75K or less. There is usually a sticker found in the engine bay with the date and mileage that it was performed. Good Luck and nice find! See if you can talk them down to $ 2,500."

Reverend White Al Sharpton replied: "You should buy a Toyota or Honda. A Volvo will need a lot of maintenance and cost a lot of money."

Nick replied: "You should also consider that such a car may be expensive to insure. Check your insurance rates before buying one, for example here -"

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